Over the years, we have established "business relationships" with several prominent nurseries and suppliers on various horticultural products in our area - to serve the mutual benefit of our Society and their business. Briefly, we will visit their place of business, conduct a seminar on "How to Grow Roses" or demonstrate the use of their products. We also participate in questions and answers from their customers on an informal basis and assist customers in the selection of needed products. In short, we will do our best to promote their business.
Our Sponsors are also publicized in our promotional materials and at our rose shows. We also recommend and endorse their products through our monthly newsletter and whenever we address the general public. In return, the business provides a tax deductible donation to the San Antonio Rose Society to help defray the cost of operating our society which includes our semi-annual rose shows.
The levels of sponsorship are as follows:
Gold: $1,000/year
Sliver: $600.00/year
Bronze: $200.00/year
Our current partnerships are with:
Rainbow Gardens Nursery (Silver)
Fanick's Garden Center and Nursery (Bronze)
Antique Rose Emporium
If you would like to support our society through sponsorship, please contact:
Ariel Russell, Ways and Means, Chair
Support our Sponsors and visit their website below.