Consulting Rosarians are experienced rose growers who have demonstrated their knowledge of rose culture and are certified by the American Rose Society. If you have any questions, either about growing roses or about the San Antonio Rose Society, these friendly folks are always willing to answer your questions. Feel free to contact one of them who lives in your area or reach us by email.
Contact the San Antonio Rose Society
West San Antonio: David Koch
Fair Oaks Ranch: Meg Ware
Spring Branch: Holly Hodgins
Spring Branch: Randy Hodgins
Spring Branch/Hill Country: Holly Hagy
North Central San Antonio : Murray Warner
Universal City: Ed Bradley
Order our comprehensive guide to "Growing Roses" specifically written for San Antonio and the south Texas area, includes the following topics: Rose Selections, Summer Care of Roses, Rose Bed Preparation, Winter Care of Roses, Planting Bare-root Roses, Disease and Insects, Planting Potted Roses, Common Rose Problems, Feeding and Spraying, Glossary, Mulching, Rose Calendar, Pruning and a list of the Consulting Rosarians in our area.
This updated booklet is available at our meetings and at our special events.
COST: $8.00

American Rose Society
The ARS Home Page contains some history of the rose, gardening tips and roses that have been selected over the years that have won the distinction of "AARS".
Help Me Find Roses
A site devoted to roses and all that is rose related, including selecting, buying, breeding, caring for and exhibiting.
Plant Answers
A site presented by "Texas Cooperative Extension Horticulture, The Texas A&M University System.
Rose Magazine
Articles on Roses, gardening information, rose forum, rose chat and rose catalog. Gardening tips for all types of roses.
Avas Flowers
An Informational Flower Guide About the Rose.
Fragrance X Library
All About Rose Gardening.
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